About the Blog

As Christians God has entrusted us with sharing our faith with those around us such that He would receive glory.

Generally I don't find myself communicating in a way that is honoring to the gift I've been given. It is easy to think we know something until someone asks us to clarify. Putting abstract into words requires thought and practice. By God's grace this blog will allow me, and perhaps even others who choose to read it, to improve our ability to communicate tough truths in a glorifying way to those around us.

The fun name came from the brilliant mind of my awesome wife, and is based on the stereotypical two hour plane ride where you fumble through awkward conversation, during which I have personally hoped God wouldn't come up because I don't have anything worth saying.

Thankfully God does not need a great thinker or orator to change hearts and lives, but we should aim to make ourselves as useful as possible for the cause of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.